Elementary & Middle School Scholarships
The Polk State College Foundation works closely with individual donors to provide at least one 5th grade student at every public elementary school in Polk County and one 8th grade student at Crystal Lake Middle School with a scholarship to be used to complete a degree at Polk State College. Recipients are chosen by a select committee at each public elementary and middle school. Only the recipients chosen by the committee for the scholarship are eligible.
Elementary/Middle/Fancelli Scholarship (New Recipient)
Document Submission
Parents may submit their child’s completed Pledge Form via email or by returning the form using the provided business reply letter.
Student Information Confirmation
To ensure that a student receives their activation instructions on time, parents and students should confirm with the Foundation that the accurate information is on file. Confirmation of student information may be completed by contacting the Foundation via email with the student’s name, name of the scholarship, and year they received the scholarship.
Elementary/Middle/Fancelli Scholarships (Previously Awarded)
Change of address?
If your child has changed their address prior to their graduation from high school, please contact the Foundation via email with the student’s name, the name of the scholarship they received, the year the scholarship was received, and the student’s current address. Please email us with the recipient’s updated (or most current) address on or before January 31 of their senior year. Students that are graduating from high school early must contact the Foundation to receive their activation instructions.
The Polk State College Foundation will contact recipients during their senior year of high school with activation instructions for their scholarship. Activation instructions will be mailed to the address on file in the final months of student’s senior year. For any additional information about elementary scholarships, contact the Polk State College Foundation at